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All Things NEW

We kicked off our first Friday devotion with Stacy Mesnard (VCA Principal). Stacy talked to the students about how this year is a NEW year/fresh start, and that every day is a new day to start over. As we all know, we make mistakes or have "bad" days, but we have a loving FATHER who pours out mercy and grace so that we can walk in freedom and start NEW! Stacy also talked to the students about how we are all unique and used an activity in the end to help the VCA students to understand just how AMAZING our God is. We all have a unique fingerprint and not one of them is the same! WOW God loves us so much that he took the time to make us so unique and not only that, it says in Luke 12:7 that "The very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

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