Vandalia Christian Academy is a Christ-centered school committed to developing God's best for each student spiritually, academically, morally, and socially.

Principal's Message
Hello! My name is Stacy Mesnard and I am so proud to be the new principal at Vandalia Christian Academy. I have been an educator for almost thirty years. I was an elementary teacher for twelve years, a principal for fifteen years, and I currently work as an educational mentor, student teacher supervisor, and presenter, as well as serving as the principal at VCA. I get a great sense of personal satisfaction from building and maintaining relationships with children and their families. Another goal of mine is to support teachers to learn and develop the strategies and techniques needed to help their students reach their full learning potential. I am excited to join with the staff, families, and students as we work together to raise the funds for the new facility, dig into the curriculum when school begins in September, and work alongside the staff to learn skills that will enhance instruction for our students. We know that VCA can and will grow and I am excited to be part of the journey! I am always available to answer any questions you may have - please reach out if you would like to visit with me.
Statement of Faith
We believe that all Scripture is inspired by God and that it has the supreme and final authority in faith and life.
We believe God is the source of all life, creator and sustainer of all creation.
We believe in one God existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. in His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, and His second coming.
We believe that man was created in the image of God and the he sinned, and thereby incurred physical death and separation from God.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of all the dead, the saved to eternal life in heaven and the unsaved to eternal judgement.
We believe that Christians are to be separated unto God, living holy lives pleasing to Him and witnessing to His glory.
We believe that God directly created the heavens and the earth and all that lies therein in six days.
We believe the only legitimate marriage, based on the creation ordinance in Genesis 1 and 2, sanctioned by God is the joining of one naturally born man and one naturally born woman in a single, exclusive union as delineated in scripture.
We believe gender and biological sex are equivalent and cannot be separated. A person's gender is determined at conception (Fertilization), coded in the DNA, and cannot be changed by drugs, hormones, or surgery. Rejection of one's biological sex (gender) or identifying oneself by the opposite sex is a sinful rejection of the way God made that person.
We believe the concepts of "social justice," "intersectionality," and "critical race theory" are anti-biblical and destructive to human flourishing.
Mrs. Mesnard
Mrs. Spring
Mrs. Mulvaney
K-2nd Grade
Mrs. Hedgpeth
3rd-4th Grade
Mrs. Holstein
Teacher Aide
Mrs. Emerick
Teacher Aide
School Board Members
Larry Koberlein- President
JJ Miller- Vice President
Adam Hosick- Secretary
Bryan McElvany- Treasurer
TJ Hebenstreit- Board Member
Pete LeDuc- Board Member
Mary Schulze- Board Member
Mrs. Kistler
Mrs. Hebenstreit